Academic Achievement

Winning Social Venture Plan Competition

Three students won SPU’s Social Venture Plan Competition.

Music therapy program garners acclaim

SPU的音乐治疗项目——华盛顿州唯一的此类项目——被评为美国20个最佳音乐治疗学士项目之一.S. by In addition to steering the program toward national prominence, 项目总监卡琳·布朗将担任将音乐疗法引入台湾的首席顾问. 音乐副教授在2017年普利农村卫生与创新长期护理服务国际研讨会上发表演讲, Taiwan. 她还在台北的国立台湾大学医学院为教师和学生讲授音乐疗法和疼痛管理, 并在新竹国立清华大学做了网易彩票app音乐治疗的演讲, Taiwan.

Physics researcher named national fellow

Rachel Scherr, a senior research scientist in SPU’s physics department, was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society. 她因在能量学习和表征方面的基础研究而被其他物理学家选中, her application of video analysis methods to study physics classrooms, and her leadership in the physics education research community. APS has more than 53,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories, and industry in the U.S. and worldwide.

Three theology faculty credentialed by denominations

The SPU School of Theology celebrated three new “reverends” within its faculty. Bo Lim, associate professor of Old Testament and university chaplain, was ordained by the Evangelical Covenant Church. Shannon Smythe, assistant professor of theological studies, was ordained as a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). 卫斯理研究助理教授马特·西格勒被委任为联合卫理公会的见习长老.

DNP cohort begins

西雅图州立大学去年秋天开设了护理实践博士学位课程,首批19名学生, exceeding enrollment goals. The students — predominantly female, average age 33, 有两到五年的护理经验-正在攻读博士学位,作为家庭或成人/老年护理从业人员或临床护理专家.

New continuing education business courses offered

SPU’s School of Business, Government, 2017年秋季,经济学院推出了几门新的继续教育专业证书课程. Most require two quarters of night classes and have no prerequisites. Topics include digital marketing, project management, Lean Six Sigma, supply chain management, analytics, cybersecurity, and entrepreneurship.

School of Theology professor Frank Spina honored for 45 years of service

Beloved by generations of students and colleagues, 《网易彩票下载》教授弗兰克·斯皮纳今年在西雅图大学任教45周年. 他以在课堂和教师会议上的幽默感而闻名, Frank was honored as the SPU Professor of the Year in 2000. For decades, the ordained Episcopal priest has been an admired speaker, 经常在太平洋西北地区的教堂教书,并在全国各地的各种机构演讲, including Roberts Wesleyan University, Spring Arbor College, the University of Portland, and Western Evangelical Seminary. His scholarly work focuses on theological readings of Old Testament narratives, as exemplified by his acclaimed book The Faith of the Outsider: Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story.

Seattle Pacific Art Center hosts social justice exhibit

As the 2017–18 academic year began, the Seattle Pacific Art Center opened a graphic design show, Observe | Make | State, which brought together posters, charts, and other graphic-design reproductions from four influential individuals: W.E.B. Du Bois, Chaz Maviyane-Davies, Garland Kirkpatrick, and Emory Douglas. Spanning 100 years of work, they all addressed issues of social justice. “SPU is looking for ways to have diverse, inclusive, equitable conversations, because our community cares so much about reconciliation,” says Karen Gutowsky-Zimmerman, professor of art–visual communication. “网易彩票app必须有促进这种对话的场所和空间.艺术中心今年秋天的展览突出了平面设计被用来促进和加速社会变革的方式. Visitors were invited to take part as well. By including a makerspace with paint and other tools, 这次展览为参观者提供了一种方式来回应他们所看到的,通过加入他们自己网易彩票app这个话题的艺术.

Social Justice met art at a fall campus design exhibit

State poet laureate holds campus poetry workshop

“寻找家”是华盛顿州桂冠诗人克劳迪娅·卡斯特罗·卢娜与网易彩票下载的学生和帐篷城3号的居民(整个冬天都在校园内举办)一月份举办的研讨会的主题。. 该研讨会是新加坡科技大学图书馆创意对话系列的一部分,旨在分享正在进行的学术和创意作品. Exploring the concept of home, 卡斯特罗·卢娜带领参与者进行练习,让他们回忆一些具体的细节,从烹饪的味道到家具的大小,这些细节构成了他们早期对家的体验. Using poems from Gregory Orr and Emily Dickinson as examples, participants evoked their memories of home, some of which became prose or poetry. “有了这样一位高调的访客,这个社区的住房和无家可归者都充满了活力,” says event host and poet Mischa Willett, an instructor in SPU’s Writing Program. “It helped broaden our concept of home, which could be a person or even a meal.”  

Seattle Pacific Art Center presents lectures on faith and art

The Seattle Pacific Art Center hosted Cameron Anderson, executive director of Christians in the Visual Arts, for a series of lectures on art and faith in February. The visit was sponsored by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust. Drawing from his recent book, The Faithful Artist: A Vision for Evangelicalism and the Arts, 安德森带领SPU社区讨论福音主义和艺术之间的关系. Anderson, 她拥有绘画和绘画艺术硕士学位,并曾担任校际基督教团契研究生部和教师部的全国主任, also gave two lectures. In one, 他谈到基督徒应该如何追求彼此之间的关系以及他们的自然环境来对抗消费, anxiety, and fear encouraged by technology. In the second, 他探索了福音派教会和当代艺术家世界之间的鸿沟, 最后呼吁基督教艺术家与他们的信仰传统寻找共同点,并在他们的艺术作品中寻求和解. 

Encouraging student entrepreneurs

A student project to turn farm waste into fuel and revenue won the $5,000 grand prize at SPU’s 12th annual Social Venture Plan Competition in April. The winning team, Itheno, 由三年级的夏安·桑顿和四年级的克里斯蒂娜·布伦南和娜奥米·米勒组成, who proposed a process for rice farmers to turn waste into energy. Farmers in Dakshin Dinajpur, India, commonly burn rice stubble in their fields before planting the next crop. 该团队开发了一种化学过程,将废物转化为生物乙醇和肥料. 农民将支付费用清除残茬,并将获得家庭和农场使用的生物乙醇作为回报. Fertilizer and excess fuel would be sold for profit. Each spring, the Center for Applied Learning in SPU’s School of Business, Government, and Economics offers the contest, 鼓励所有专业的学生开发能够改变世界的创业项目. 

Students win “best original score” in film competition

A group of SPU music students won best original score for Home Invasion, their team’s entry last fall in Seattle’s 48-Hour Horror Film Project. Part of a worldwide timed filmmaking competition, 在比赛开始前,每支队伍被随机分配了一部特定的恐怖电影类型. 这部短片的创作、拍摄、剪辑和配乐都在48小时内完成. Taylor Merisko served as the zombie film’s composer and mixing engineer, with assistance from fellow student Aileen Lani Saboff. Hunter Rath was the audio engineer and cellist. Violinist Evan Daley and trumpeter Colin Chandler rounded out the ensemble. Merisko说,使用SPU的Nickerson工作室是关键:“没有这样一个最先进的工作室和设备, I do not believe the project would have come together as well as it did.” 

Speech and debate team wins honors

斯坦福大学的演讲和辩论队在福里斯特格罗夫的太平洋大学弗雷德·谢勒邀请赛上获奖, Oregon, in January. Coached by Assistant Professor of Political Science Bradley Murg, 在为期三天的比赛中,西雅图州立大学的学生与来自23所高校的队伍进行了比赛. Seniors Madison Luther and Luke Harrison won the novice division; Harrison was honored as top speaker and Luther took second speaker. Senior Alex Donka and his sister, sophomore Rachel Donka, won five of their first six rounds, ranking third overall, before being eliminated in the quarterfinal round. 

SPU launches four new majors in 2018–19

To better equip students for a changing market, SPU will offer four new majors and three new minors beginning autumn 2018. Some existing majors will also see changes. New degrees include: bachelor of arts in social justice and cultural studies (with four tracks: pre-law human rights and policy; art for social change; mediation, peace, and conflict resolution; and advanced cultural studies); bachelor of arts in life science; bachelor of science in mechanical engineering; and bachelor of arts in criminal justice.